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For over 30 years, LPG® has made its state-of-the-art devices available to beauty-conscious men and women who are demanding when it comes to their health. In complete harmony with this healthy way of life, it is advised that endermologie® treatments be taken on for the same reasons as you would a balanced diet or regular athletic activities. The stimuli sent to the cells act as a “helping hand” to maximize their potential. Making endermologie® a part of your lifestyle means choosing an intelligent, responsible, healthy lifestyle aimed at preserving your body and your face from the ravages of time.


Package includes: 15 body sessions and the required body suit


Recommended treatment schedule:

10 sessions performed within the first 30 days (Ex. 3x's a week for the first 2 weeks, 2x's a week for the 3rd and 4th weeks). Once or twice monthly is recommended following the first 10 sessions

Body Endermologie package

$2,290.00 Regular Price
$1,790.00Sale Price
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